violent protests

美 [ˈvaɪələnt prəˈtests]英 [ˈvaɪələnt prəˈtests]
  • 暴力抗议
violent protestsviolent protests
  1. I disagree with violent protests .


  2. Violent protests in the street revealed a breakdown of social order .


  3. And these two sides have been fighting each other in violent protests .


  4. The dispute finally boiled over into a series of violent protests .


  5. Her violent protests were laughed out of court by the others .


  6. Two days of violent protests and strikes preceded Greece 's latest effort to slash government spending .


  7. I mean , they sparked violent protests , calls for investigation , there is national outrage .


  8. All over the world student indebtedness is causing problems & witness this month 's violent protests in Chile .


  9. Its former president favored Russia , but violent protests in the capital led to his ouster last month .


  10. There were additional violent protests in Egypt that had nothing to do with the soccer verdict .


  11. This comes amid violent protests connected to attempts by the country 's president to extend his 27-year rule .


  12. In Haiti , violent protests claimed several lives and cost Haitian Prime Minister Jacques-Edouard Alexis his job .


  13. The result in spikes and cost of food has sparked violent protests in the Caribbean , Africa and Asia .


  14. They demanded the release of dozens of people who 'd been arrested two days earlier for allegedly participating in violent protests .


  15. But the village has been caught up in months of violent protests that have roiled Kashmir .


  16. Last month , violent protests erupted across India 's most populous state , Uttar Pradesh , as long outages left people without fans and even drinking water .


  17. Two days of violent protests in Athens marking the first anniversary of the killing of a 15-year-old boy by a police officer have created further mayhem .


  18. Violent protests have grown increasingly frequent in recent years , prompted as much by frustration over continuing widespread poverty and poor public services under ANC rule as by union demands .


  19. Violent protests overshadow peaceful demonstrations in Ferguson as it tries to recover from days of rioting , looting and vandalism .


  20. The unarmed 18-year-old was killed by a Ferguson , Missouri , police officer setting off more than a week of violent protests . 3 .


  21. For a few tense days , it looked as if the affair could spiral out of control , rather as happened earlier this year after a Danish newspaper had published cartoons lampooning Muhammad , when more than 100 people died in violent protests round the world .


  22. Violent student protests against tuition fee rises foreshadowed trouble ahead .


  23. The woman 's case has sparked public debate as well as several days of protests across India , including a violent public protests in India that left one police officer dead .


  24. Greek lawmakers on Thursday approved a tough austerity package aimed at averting a default , but the vote was overshadowed by violent street protests in central Athens and dozens of arson attacks against shops and banks .
